Disclaimer Notice / 免責聲明:
The map information provided on this web site is protected by copyright owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the "Government"). No express or implied warranty is given to the accuracy or completeness of such map information or its appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances. The Government is not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause in connection with such map information or with this web site.
本網站所提供的地圖資料受香港特別行政區政府 ("政府") 擁有的版權保障。政 府沒有就該等資料的準確性或完整性,或在任何特定情況下使用的合適性作出 任何明示或隱含的保證,亦無須對與該等地圖資料或本網站有關的任何原故而 引致的任何損失或損害負上責任。